13 January 2022

Vogue 73 Questions

I've been a fan of the Vogue 73 Questions videos for years so I thought I'd do my own. I've changed a few of them to make them more relevant to me but I hope you enjoy! 

1. On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? 6.5
2. What's your biggest weakness? I can be very stubborn
3. What's your biggest strength? My memory, I still know the birthdays of people I haven’t spoken to for 10+ years 
4. Dream job? Something to do with fashion (styling or content creation) or the film industry (extra work/marketing) 
5. What’s one city you've always dreamt of visiting? Rome
6. What’s your pet peeve? People who stop right in the middle of the street to have a conversation with someone
7. What’s your go to bed ritual? Take my makeup off, brush my teeth and get a glass of water 
8. What’s your favorite time of day? Evening
9. What is one thing no one knows about you? Only a few people know this but I was in an advert for ASDA when I was a baby 
10. Dream country to visit? Australia
11. What’s your biggest regret? Not taking time to figure out what I wanted to do after finishing my A-Levels
12. Heels or flats/sneakers? Flats
13.Vintage or new? New
14. Sweet or savoury? Savoury
15. Style icon? Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
16. What are three things you can’t live without? The internet, music and my family/friends
17. Which movie makes you laugh the hardest? 21 Jump Street
18. What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for? Robin Williams, Audrey Hepburn and Robert Pattinson
19. What’s your biggest fear in life? Constantly feeling unfulfilled
20. Window or aisle seat? Window
21. What’s your current TV obsession? The O.C
22. Favorite app? Twitter
23. Secret talent? I can do accents
24. Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life? Moved away for a month to work as an extra on a Disney film
25. How would you desribe yourself in three words? Witty, thoughtful and loyal
26. Favorite piece of clothing you own? My faux fur coat
27. Must have clothing item everyone should have? A striped tee
28. Superpower you would want? Teleportation
29. What’s a movie that made you cry? The Best of Me
30. Best piece of advice you’ve received? Don't go to bed angry
31. Best advice you’d give your teenage self? Take the chance and don't worry about the opinions of people you won't ever see again
32. A book that everyone should read? Twilight
33. What's your guilty pleasure? Cheesy crime dramas (Muder She Wrote, Diagnosis Murder etc)
34. Favourite movie of the last five years? The Greatest Showman
35. What do you love most about your body? Do eyelashes count?
36. Best way to take a rest/decompress? Paint your nails or watch a film
37. What's your favourite cocktail? Pornstar Martini
38. If your life were a song, what would the title be? Groundhog Day 
39. If you could master one instrument, what would it be? Piano
40. If you had a tattoo, where would it be? Somewhere hidden like the top of my thigh
41. Dolphins or koalas? Dolphins
42. What’s your spirit animal? A lion or tiger
43. Best gift you’ve ever received? Anything that I can tell has had real thought put into it 
44. Best gift you’ve ever given? I surprised my Dad with Coldplay tickets 
45. What’s your favorite board game? Articulate
46. What’s your favorite color? Pink
47. Least favorite color? Red
48. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
49. Drugstore makeup or designer? Drugstore
50. Pilates or yoga? Yoga
51. Coffee or tea? Coffee
52. Dark chocolate or milk chocolate? Milk chocolate 
53. Summer or winter? Summer
54. Favourite actor? Taron Egerton
55. First crush? Max from Hocus Pocus
56. You are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? Pizza
57. A dessert you don’t like? Rice pudding
58. A skill you’re working on mastering? Learning Spanish
59. Best thing to happen to you today? My car got fixed
60. Worst thing to happen to you today? Having to pay the bill after getting my car fixed 
61. Best compliment you’ve ever received? That people enjoy my company
62. Favourite smell? Coconut
63. Hugs or kisses? Hugs
64. If you made a documentary, what would it be about? The effects of social media on young people's body image
65. Last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? Chaos Walking, the scene with the dog and the river, iykyk
66. Lipstick or lip gloss? Lipstick
67. Girl crush? Hailey Bieber
68. Favourite album? The Pussycat Dolls first album
69. Song you can listen to on repeat? Middle of the night - The Vamps
70. If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be? Kim Kardashian
71. What are you most excited about at this time in your life? Starting a new chapter 
72. Your go to for having a good laugh? At the moment, TikTok
73. Your affirmation for today? Find something to be grateful for in every day 

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